Completing 500 Business Valuations in Less than 8 months In this case study, we explore how Samuel Phelps has helped his clients maximize their retirement savings with Rollovers for Business…
This article is based on a presentation done at the June 2023 NACVA conference at Snowbird, Utah by Steve Bruner and David Fein. Valuators often grapple with the choice between…
Valuators can choose to either build and maintain their own Excel spreadsheets and Word report templates or use valuation software to help make the valuation process more efficient. There are…
David Fein sat down with Michel Molder, who is responsible for reviewing and submitting the cases to the Case Law database, to get a behind-the-scenes look at this valuable database.…
The Case for Business Valuation Software by David Fein David Fein, CEO of ValuSource joined the Around the Valuation World team on January 23, 2023, to talk about business valuation…
Nine Reasons to Start Using our Latest Valuation Software (VSS9) For 36 years we have been focused on building the best valuation software to help business valuation professionals automate and…
David Fein sat down with Kevin Hopkins, editor of BVDataWorld’s monthly National Economic Report (NER), to find out more about both its history as well as how business valuators can…
A Behind the Scenes Look at Kroll's Cost of Capital Navigator Everything in life begins as an embryo. We use professionally provided financial data services without a thought as to…
ValuSource’s CEO David Fein discusses RMA’s rich history and rich data with Shea Scarpa and Carly Edmondson Overview ValuSource has been working with RMA for over 30 years to provide…
David Fein sat down with Paul Hamann of RCReports to get a behind the scenes look at RCReports. David: Thank you for your time today. Let us start with how…