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FactSet Review Price to Earnings Ratios

Factset Review Price to Earnings Ratios provides an important benchmark on an industry’s value. This database offers P/E’s segregated by 25 industries for the previous five years and a five-year weighted average.


FactSet Mergers data comes from FactSet Mergers database. FactSet Mergers tracks formal transfers of ownership of at least 5% of a company’s common equity. Open market stock purchases, new equity investments, private placements, new joint ventures, asset swaps, and real property are not recorded. FactSet Mergers records transactions as they are announced, not as they are completed. Unless otherwise noted, all Merger & Acquisition statistics contained in FactSet Mergers’ database reflect completed or pending transactions, as of the end of the applicable period. To determine whether the transactions meet the FactSet Mergers requirements, the research analysts conduct company interviews and consult company press releases, source documents, SEC filings, company Web site information, and other various sources of corporate financial disclosure.

FactSet Review Price to Earnings Ratios data includes:

Five years of Price to Earnings data and company counts for 25 industries.

Works with these products:

  • Microsoft® Excel or Excel-compatible spreadsheet
  • Downloads into ValuSource Pro, BVM Pro and Express Business Valuation