Features & Benefits – Business Valuation Software
Following are the main features and benefits for ValuSource Valuation Suite, the #1 Best-Selling Business Valuation Software:
Database integration
- Scope of Databases. Integrates with 12 databases, including: RMA (Standard and Valuation Edition), ValuSource Market Comps, Pluris DLOM, Kroll Cost of Capital Navigator, BIZCOMPS, Public Company Data, Ibbotson SBBI Classic Yearbook, Mergerstat Review Premiums and Discounts, Mergerstat Review PE Ratios, IRS Corporate Ratios, and ValuSource M&A Comps. Click HERE to view each database.
- Database quality. Includes must-have industry standard data, but also three databases that are exclusive to ValuSource:
- RMA Valuation Edition. The industry’s only benchmarking data taken from over 275,000 actual business financial statements. Allows you to precisely rank a company against the industry with both national and regional data.
- Pluris DLOM. The largest database of restricted stock transactions for calculating a discount for lack of marketability. Can create your own restricted stock study based on results of individual transactions that you select.
- ValuSource Market Comps. The largest (over 49,000 comps) and oldest comparables database that incorporates the Direct Market Data Method (DMDM) as well as the standard Guideline Method. Provides bigger sample sizes, more industries and a longer history (3x longer).
- Automatic One-click Integration. Select your database, pick the specific data, click “Download” and it automatically populates your schedule and narrative. No longer do you have to copy and paste into your spreadsheet, and then describe it–instead, it shows up in your schedule and narrative automatically.
- Analytic Platform. ValuSource includes pre-built analyzers for many of the databases that includes graphics, scatter charts, filters, calculators, trends, and other analytics, saving you dozens of hours trying to model and decipher from scratch, helping you get more out of your data.
Business Valuation methodologies and schedules
- 18 methodologies. Includes 3 asset, 5 income and 9 market approaches–plus unlimited custom approaches.
- Over 300 schedules. Every business valuation methodology includes all the major associated schedules and templates, ensuring you can start with industry best practices–then modify as needed. Click HERE to view the detailed schedules.
- Smartsheet logic. Looks at your assumptions and determines which rows and columns should be displayed or hidden. For example, in determining the benefits stream, if you select pre-tax earnings instead of after-tax cash flow, all the after-tax cash flow adjustments disappear.
- Smart Schedules. Schedules and exhibits are chosen with a mouse click. The results are then automatically displayed. An example is that there is a choice of seven different benefit streams and by choosing after tax cash flow, the schedule automatically displays and provides for the calculation of that specific benefit stream. If another benefit stream were chosen, then the schedule would automatically display that schedule.
Smart and flexible business valuation content
- Easy to Modify. Because it is a framework that is built on top of MicroSoft Word and Excel, you can stay within the application, or edit directly in Excel or Word or even incorporate your existing spreadsheets and reports.
- Smart financial statements. Insert, add, edit accounts, types and properties, make adjustments, perform financial statement analyses and it will update every associated schedule–saving you hours updating everything manually while reducing the risk of making a critical error.
- Smart Printing. Includes built-in tools to make it easier to print large spreadsheets. Headers, footers, page numbers and formats are automatically setup and easy to edit.
- Smart charting. Automatically shows the correct number of columns corresponding to the number of years of financial statements. Saves mistakes and time manually formatting.
Generates comprehensive intelligent and automatic standards-based business valuation written reports
- Standards-based business valuation report templates. Includes hundreds of pages of standards-based report templates (including 59-60, SSVS, and USPAP) that evaluates over 400 variables in the analysis. Includes helper text that walks you through the process and ensures you are meeting valuation standards.
- Content Intelligence. The program automatically writes conditional narrative based on your business valuation assumptions. Can save hours copying and pasting from previous documents or creating original content.
- Hotlinked. Any changes in your business valuation ripple through your document and automatically update numbers, tables and charts. Making it easier to include more detail in your written reports without manual updates if you later modify your valuation.
Click HERE to download a PDF that shows a detailed list of schedules contained within ValuSource.