Why To Buy
How do you complete professional valuations FASTER, more consistently, following BEST practices (whether experienced or new), with great reports, all at a price that pays for itself after your first valuation?

ValuSource Valuation Software Suite, with over 90% market share, has been used by thousands of CPA’s, valuators and financial professionals for decades.
FIVE reasons to consider ValuSource Valuation Suite

Built Around
Excel and Word
Intuitive and easy to use because you already know how to use Excel & Word. Fully transparent (see all formulas in Excel), customizable and flexible so you can make small or large changes. It also means you can make your own templates or bring your existing spreadsheets. Smart Navigator guides you through the valuation best-practice process and workflow with step-by-step sequential menus.
BEST database
One-click integration that automatically populates your schedule and narrative from 12 major databases. Plus, includes pre-built analyzers with graphics, scatter charts, filters, calculators, trends and other analytics… saving you dozens of hours.
MOST comprehensive
valuation methodologies
and schedules
Includes 18 valuation methodologies and over 300 schedules to leverage industry best practices then modify as needed.
Hundreds of pages
of SMART and
flexible content
The software framework, built on top of editable Excel worksheets has built-in intelligence and transforms based on your assumptions. This saves beginners from making critical mistakes, while allowing experts to use as-is, or incorporate into existing spreadsheets, and finish much quicker.
- Smartsheet logic. Automatically determines which rows and columns should be displayed or hidden.
- Smart Printing. Makes it easier to print large spreadsheets.
- Smart financial statements. Allows you to edit and perform financial statement analyses and the program will update every associated schedule.
- Smart charting. Automatically creates the correct number of columns based on the number of years of financial statements.
Generates comprehensive
intelligent and automatic
written reports
The optional report writer, built on top of MicroSoft Word, includes Content Intelligence to help automate the conditional narrative, Hotlinks to automate changes, and hundreds of pages of standards-based report templates (including 59-60, SSVS, and USPAP) that evaluate over 400 variables within the analysis.
- Hot-linked Data – automatically pulls the data you need into the report and allows you to add an unlimited number of additional links (numbers, tables, charts) to business valuation reports.
- Optional Content – imagine looking at a comprehensive business valuation report table of contents and then being able to select what goes into the report. Or you can create new report templates.
- Easy to use – create your business valuation report using Microsoft Word, but the Business Valuation Report Writer gives you a layer of additional functionality on top of Word to make the process much faster and easier.
“This is the same software I received during my NACVA certification course. Great Stuff!”